All you need to do is comment on this blog entry and tell me what you as a mom or dad, grandma, etc. complain about your diaper bag the most or what do you like about it the best?
Does it drive you nuts to always have to look for the paci? Or is it that there are not enough pockets? Do you love to have an adjustable strap or that it fits around the handles of your stroller?
What would be great to add to a diaper bag? (Sorry, things like an automatic diaper changing station doesn't count... ;)
Very curious on what you guys come up with! Be creative!!
I will randomly select a winner on Mon, Aug 9th at 8am South Korea time.
Also das schlimmste an den Diaper Bags fand ich immer die haesslichen kitschigen Designs... und das sie so nach Diaper Bag aussahen... *lol* Was ich nicht schlecht faende, waer so ein Paci Pod angenaeht, wo man den Nuki immer rein tut und sofort findet.
ReplyDeleteI love how many pockets I have on my diaper bag but I think it would be really cool if there was almost like an insulated pocket on the side for a bottle to say cold. or maybe a velcrow strap to hold a pacifier on the inside without having to dig and look for it.
ReplyDeleteI love the pockets in mine, too. I wish mine had a zipper pouch inside that would fit my wallet, though. Since I carry snacks for my older two, I wish there was a reinforced pocket so that my snacks didn't get all squished up.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have two compartments in my diaperbag, with two kids in diapers I always pull out the wrong size diaper. Also it would be nice to have one waterproof pocket. For some reason something is always leaking, and because I'm caring a extra set of clothes for both kids, it sucks when everything gets wet
ReplyDeleteI like the size of my diaper bag i just wish their was a divider pocket with a zipper and more pockets. I wish it had the divider pocket for different medications. I have 2 children and have to carry around children and invent Tylenol and mol-trine and sometimes they leak. I also like the divider for diapers and wipes on one side and clothing's on the other so i don't have to dig for them.
ReplyDeleteThe toy organizer and bib you are giving away are adorable! The major improvement that I could see making in my diaper bag is to put little feet on the bottom of it (like the kind you find on a lot of suitcases). The bottom of the bag gets so much wear and tear and is not holding up as well as the rest of the bag. I like how my bag has both interior and exterior pockets!
ReplyDeletefroggybogg !at gmail !dot com
An meiner Wickeltasche gibt´s ´ne Menge toller Dinge. Zum Beispiel ist außen separat ´ne Thermotasche für´s Fläschchen dran, die man auch abnehmen kann- ich benutze sie so auch mal solo an den Kinderwagenlenker gehängt. Außerdem (auch abnehmbar) ´ne kleine Tasche für´s Handy mit ´ner praktischen Gürtelschlaufe versehen. Eine herausnehmbare geruchs- und auslaufdichte Plastiktasche für Windeln & sonstige nasse Sachen gibt´s auch. Super bequem ist der gepolsterte und verstellbare Umhängegurt. Und dann gibt´s auch noch (hinter ´nem Reißverschluß versteckt) herausnehmbare Gurte, damit man die Tasche auch als Rucksack tragen kann. Was mir an meiner, sonst prima ausgestatteten Tasche noch fehlt, ist ´ne integrierte Schnullerbox und (ganz wichtig), daß die vielen tollen Innentaschen auch je nach Verwendungszweck beschriftet sind. Wenn ich nämlich mal zu meinen Mann sage "hol mir das und das mal raus", dann sucht er immer, findet aber selten. Toll wären kleine Schildchen mit nem Klettrücken, die man individuell an die Innentaschen pappen kann. Hmmm ...das war´s glaub ich.
ReplyDeleteThe perfect diaper bag has a pocket on the outside with a long zipper (attached with snap hooks maybe)which carries all of the Mom's stuff. Keys, Cell, Wallet, ect. I just hated going trough all the diapers, bottled, bibs and little pockets in the inside to find my stuff ;)
ReplyDeleteIch mag die kitschigen Designs nicht, zudem sehen die so bullig aus und koennten bisschen peppiger/ stylisch sein.
ReplyDeleteSo kleine etxra Taschen waeren gut wo man 'n Schnuller reinpacken kann und vielleicht ein Fach wo man so Taschentuecher reinpacken kann, ohne das man ewig in der Tasche rumsuchen muss.
I love my diaper bag except for the fact that it doesn't grow with the child. So I would suggest a Toddler Diaper bag. A pocket that fits the sippy cup, another pocket just for snacks, the medicine, entertainment (like crayons), ect. Oh and the little knobs at the bottom of the bag or even a wipe away fabric at the bottom so that if the bag gets set in something it can just get wiped off. Amber Jordan :)